"Only accurate rifles are interesting" -- Col. Townsend Whelen Bill's Accuracy Shop is a precision gunsmithing service. We work in two broad areas: match rifles and accurate hunting guns (primarily rifles but including single-shot and bolt-action pistols and card-shooting shotguns). We specialize in building custom rifles on popular actions, and in making existing rifles more accurate (for a little philosophy, see What makes accuracy?). Every gun that goes out of Bill's Accuracy Shop meets the same high standards. When finished, it must "shoot" and that doesn't mean it simply goes bang when you pull the trigger, it means that it must shoot very well (within the limits of the gun, cartridge, and shooter). For many jobs, we offer an "It shoots better or you don't pay" guarantee. In addition to our custom rifles, we offer custom cartridges and competition shotguns. Our gunsmithing services cover a wide range of interests; see Examples of our guns for some idea of the scope. Our standard services are listed in Prices and Services. We welcome you to contact us about any of our services, our qualifications, and our guarantee. OUR GUNS GET RESULTS: Here are examples of the kind of shooting you can experience with one of our precision rifles: |